Monday Motivation….. October 12, 2015 (244)

Monday Motivation….. October 12, 2015 (244)
Once upon a time there was an old lady who happened to be blind. She was very rich. She called in a doctor and told him that she would pay him large fee if her eyes were cured. If she was not cured, he would not be paid anything. He agreed the proposal. He visited her daily. He was lured by the old lady’s furniture.  As he put his eyes on the furniture, he started delaying the cure. He took away the furniture everyday. At last he cured her completely. Then he demanded his fees but the lady refused to pay it. She said that she was not cured completely but the doctor claimed she was completely cured. The doctor brought the case into the court. The judge asked the woman why she had denied paying the fees. She replied that her sight was not properly restored. She also added that she could not see all her furniture. When she told it as the proof, the judge realised that the doctor was guilty. He gave the verdict in the favour of the old lady.

Tongue never lie, only man do. Truth is after all discovered.
Have a nice week ahead..!






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