Monday Motivation….. November 30, 2015 (251)

Monday Motivation….. November 30, 2015 (251)
Once upon a time two families lived nearby. One family had constant quarrels and the other one lived quietly and friendly.
One day, feeling jealous about nice atmosphere flourished in the neighbouring family, wife told her husband: Let us go to the neighbors and look what they are doing for such well-being.
The couple came, hid and started watching. They saw a woman who was wiping the floor in the room. Suddenly something distracted her, and she ran to the kitchen. At that time her husband rushed into the room. He did not notice the bucket of water, occasionally kicked it, so the water overflowed.
Then his wife came back from the kitchen and said him: I’m sorry, honey, it’s my fault because I did not remove the bucket from the pass. “No, I ‘m sorry, honey, it’s my fault, because I did not notice it.”
The couple returned home, and spoke to each other: “We always seek & fight to be right, while each of them takes the blame on their self.”

Always remember your relationship is more important than your differences. It involves acts of forgiveness and acceptance of one’s mistakes. You fight, and you learn something new about the person. That’s how it works, real relationships aren’t perfect, and perfect relationships aren’t real. Give in and you get the most out of the relationship!
Have a great week ahead..!






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