Monday Motivation….. June 13, 2016 (279)
Once upon a time a shopkeeper had a small provision shop in a village. He used to sell things and keep accounts in an account book.
When this shopkeeper’s son was a kid, he used to come to the shop and play. There was a tree in front of the shop where a crow was sitting and making noise “Craw..Craw..”.
The son kept telling his father: “Dad, see this crow”.
His father kept doing his accounts work and reply to the son: “Yes my son, I see the crow”.
This was repeated again and again so the father wrote in the accounts book by mistake: “Dad, see this crow…Yes my son, I see the crow”.
Years passed. The shopkeeper became old and his son became a young man. The son was now sitting in the shop. The old father was sometimes coming to the shop. He kept talking to his son so the son’s work was getting disturbed. So the son was scolding his father and asking him to keep quiet. Many times he was even insulting him.
So the old father decided to teach a lesson to his son. He showed old account books to his son. The son read the old account books. He found some writings like: “Dad, see this crow…Yes my son, I see the crow”.
Now the son remembered that when he was a kid, he was playing in the shop and kept speaking such things. That time his father was replying to him without any anger. Due to this continuous disturbance, his father made mistakes and by mistake he wrote these things in the accounts book.
The son repented that his father had fulfilled all his wishes when he was a kid but now he is insulting his old father and not talking to him. Then after the son never insulted his father!
We should never insult our parents. They are continuously striving to keep us happy and tolerating our childish behavior and now it is our turn to take care of them. Always remember, A father acts on behalf of his children by working, providing, intervening, struggling, and suffering for them. In so doing, he really stands in their place. He is not an isolated individual, but incorporates the selves of several people in his own self just for sake of providing the pearls in the path of his children and removing thorns!
Have a nice week ahead and indulge into a celebration of the Happy Father’s day coming next SUNDAY (June 19, 2016)…!
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