Monday Motivation….. October 08, 2018 (400)

Monday Motivation….. October 08, 2018 (400)
Once upon a time a student complained to his teacher about the difficulties and tough times he has to endure in his life. He was born into a very poor family and had to look after his home and support his old and sick parents and his younger ones by working extra hard every day after the school classes in school while his wealthy class-mates could play and rest without having to worry over anything. He was almost exhausted and had even thought about committing suicide.
His teacher went inside, brought out a carrot and an egg and told him to examine carefully. He was asked to comment on their hardness. The boy said that the carrot was sufficiently hard that it cannot be crushed by hands. The egg could be easily cracked and the liquid contents would leak out with ease. Then the teacher put the carrot and egg together in a pan, added some water to cover them, and then boiled the Content over the flame. After some time, the teacher took out the boiled items from the pan and asked for the comments of the student. The boy said that he observed that the carrot, which was hard earlier, had become very soft after boiling. While the egg, on the other hand, became very hard during the boiling. Its contents had solidified and now would not flow out even when the shell is shattered.
The teacher told the boy, “Earlier, you were like the carrot. Your courage and strength of mind were lost
when you were exposed to the hard realities of life. You became weak and could be mashed easily.” Next, he displayed the egg and told, “Be like the egg. You are soft and tender by nature, but the adversities of life should make you bolder and stronger. Then you can gain the courage to face any harsh moments with confidence.”

You may be passing through trials, tough times and unpleasant situations now, don’t give up. The trials and hard times are meant to strengthen you, and to prepare you for the best in life. Remember, crude gold has to pass through fire before the brilliance comes out!
Have a great week ahead..!

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