Monday Motivation….. January 27, 2020 (468)

Monday Motivation….. January 27, 2020 (468)
Once upon a time, there lived two brothers with his father who started a poultry farm. Some years after they started working with their father the older son noticed that father would give more responsibility and reward to his younger brother. Older son felt it unfair as both worked equally and being older he should be given more responsibly and reward.
He went to his father and said, “I m older yet you give more responsibility to my younger brother…why is it so???
Father said’ “I will tell you but first go to Tammy’s farm and inquire if they have any turkey for sale, we need to add to our stock..”
He went and soon returned with answer, “Yes father…They have turkey they can sell to us..”
Father said,” OK..Then please go and ask the price..”
HE again went and returned. He said to his father, “They said we can buy turkey at 10$ each.”
Father said, “Good… Now go and ask if they can deliver them by tomorrow..”
Older son wen and duly returned with answer, “Yes…they can.”
After all this, father asked his older son to wait and listen.
He called his younger son and said, “Go to Sammy’s Farm and see if they have turkey for sale, we need to add to our stock..”
Younger son went and returned with answer, “Yes father they have turkey for sale.. They have five turkey for 10$ each or ten turkey for 8$ inch with about 100 turkey stock on hand. They can deliver us in the next hour. And I got them agreed that if we buy 20 or more turkey they would charge 6$ each.”
After this father looked towards his older son, who now realized why his younger brother was given more responsibility.

How one perceive something, depends on the person. We should do our Best to Learn from people who Understand better and give in 100% in what we do..!
Have a great week ahead!

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