Monday Motivation….. March 02, 2020 (473)
Once upon a time, a man went to a psychiatrist with a problem: he was very annoyed with his boss. If his boss said anything to him, he immediately became angry and felt like taking off his shoe and hitting his boss with it.
But, how can you hit your boss? Is there a man who does not feel like hitting his boss at some point?
Such an employee is rare.
In any case, the man went on suppressing the desire to hit his boss, but he began to develop a complex about it, and, afraid he might actually hit his boss someday; he started leaving his shoes at home. But he could not forget about the shoes. Whenever he saw his boss, his hands automatically went towards his feet. But fortunately the shoes had been left at home, and he felt a bit easier because he knew that one day, in a frenzy, he just might take off a shoe and throw it at his boss.
But he didn’t free himself of the shoes just by leaving them at home; they continued to loom large on his conscience. If he were fiddling with a pen, he drew shoes on the paper; in idle moments, he sketched the shape of a shoe. The shoes filled his thoughts, and he was mortally afraid he would attack his boss sometime.
At home, he told his family it was better if he did not go to the office at all. Now, his mental condition was such that he did not need his own shoes: he might grab anyone’s shoes to hit his boss; his hands had even started moving towards the feet of his colleagues. At this point, his family decided it was high time he was taken to a psychiatrist. And so he went.
The psychiatrist said his sickness was nothing much to worry about, that it was curable. He advised him to hang a picture of his boss at home and to hit it with a shoe five times every morning. The photo was to be hit religiously, before he went to the office, and furthermore, he was not to miss a single day. The ritual was to be observed daily, just like morning prayers, and then, after returning from the office each day, the process was to be repeated.
The man’s first reaction was, “What nonsense!” Although he was astonished at the idea, he felt quite happy about it. The photo was hung and, accordingly, he began the prescribed ritual.
On the very first day, when he went to the office after hitting the photo five times, he noticed a strange sensation: he did not feel as angry at his boss as he had. And, within a fortnight, he had become very polite to his employer. His boss also noticed the change in him, but of course he was unaware of what had been going on. He also told his employee that he had become very polite, very obedient and very nice indeed of late and wanted to know what had happened. The employee replied, “Please don’t ask me about it or everything will be topsy-turvy again. I just can’t tell you.”
What is the truth behind this story? Can anything really be achieved just by hitting a photo? Yes – by hitting the photo, the man’s obsession to hit his boss with a shoe simply dissolved, faded away! Everything is in the Mind…. Condition Control Convert the destructive harmful thought to productive fruitful ones by your intellect rather than avoiding them..!
Have a great week ahead!
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