Monday Motivation….. April 06, 2020 (478)
Once upon a time Nasruddin Hodja took his donkey to the market place and sold it for 30 dinars.
The man who bought it immediately put it up for auction.
“Look at this fine animal!” he shouted to passersby. “Have you ever seen a better specimen of a donkey? See how clean and strong it is!”
And he went on to list the many qualities of the animal. At the end of his sales talk a man said he would give 40 dinars for it.
Another man offered 50. A third offered 55.
Hodja who was watching was amazed at the interest everyone was showing in the donkey.
“What a fool I was to think it an ordinary animal,” thought Hodja. “It is an incomparable beast, one in a million…” He suddenly realised that the owner had received a good offer and was about to close the bidding.
“75 dinars once…” said the man. “75 dinars twice…”
“80 dinars!” said Hodja.
Advertising in the final analysis should be news. If it is not news it is worthless. Always remember, a small thing could be magnified to its full potential by the right kind of marketing strategy!
Have a great week ahead..!
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