Monday Motivation….. December 09, 2024 (724)

Monday Motivation….. December 09, 2024 (724)
Once upon a time, a scorpion, a bee and a grasshopper went into a company to look for a job. When they met the manager, he said he would have to interview them one-on-one to make sure they were qualified.
He first called the bee into his office and asked him, “What can you do for us?”
The bee responded optimistically, “I can produce honey which is one of the most delicious food in the world. A lot of people like to eat honey.”
The manager shook his head and said angrily, “We don’t deal in food here. Go away! You’re a failure!”
The bee felt sad about it, and kept on saying to himself, “He is right! I am a loser! I am a failure!”
The manager then called the scorpion into his office and asked him, “What can you do for us?”
The scorpion smiled and responded, “I can produce venom which is one of the most powerful medicines in the world. It can treat various diseases, including cancer.”
The manager scoffed and said, “Well, this company doesn’t deal in drugs. You’re such a failure! Go away!”
The scorpion felt so despondent and dejected that he repeatedly said to himself, “He is right! I am such a loser! I am a big failure!”
Finally, the manager called in the grasshopper and asked him the same question. After a while, the grasshopper came outside, cheering and dancing like he just won the lottery. Upon seeing him in that ecstatic mood, the scorpion and the bee approached him and whistled, “Congratulations to you! We’re glad you got the job!”
However, to their utmost surprise, the grasshopper shook his head and said, “No, I didn’t get the job. Instead, the manager called me a failure and sent me out.”
The surprised scorpion suddenly asked, “He called you a failure too? But why don’t you feel sad about it?”
The grasshopper smiled and said, “I may have failed, but I’m not a failure. That’s what he said. That’s not who I am. I am happy because I’m not a failure trying to succeed. I am already a success working out my success. If I fail, I try again, and again, and again until I succeed. Not even the manager can make me feel bad about myself.”

Many people believe that failure defines who you are and your future: that statement is not true at all! The truthfulness is that failure is what happens to you, not what is you. We all fail in life in different aspects of life, for instance, job experience, love life, getting into a university, and other things. You do not need to let your failures define you that is completely optional. Prove to yourself you are capable of doing anything you want and demonstrate with your actions that the nay-sayers are wrong. Most importantly, success comes to individuals who keep trying and don’t give up.
Have a great week ahead…!



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