Monday Motivation….. December 14, 2020 (514)

Monday Motivation….. December 14, 2020 (514)

In the year 1980, Lyall Watson was the first biologist to propose the theory of “The Hundredth Monkey Effect”, in his book, ‘lifetide’. He mentioned about a phenomenon that the Japanese primatologist discovered while studying the Macaque monkey in the wild in the 1990s. The Japanese snow monkey, Macaca fuscata, was kept under observation for over 30 years. In the year 1952, on the island of Koshima, a group of scientist provided a group of monkeys with sweet potatoes covered in sand. The monkeys liked the taste of the sweet potatoes, but found the dirt unpleasant. An 18-month-old female monkey found a solution. She washed the potatoes in a nearby stream and shared her discovery with her mother. She also taught it to her playmates who further showed it to their mothers.This cultural discovery was eventually being picked up many monkeys. At least such was the observation gain by the scientistBetween 1952 and 1958, almost all the young monkeys had learned to wash the sandy sweet potatoes. Only the adults who imitated their children learned this social improvement. Other adults continued to eat dirty sweet potatoes.As time passed by all the monkeys learned to wash the sweet potatoes before consumption!


But here lies a point over which even a single addition of a new awareness can significantly strengthen the field of awareness to that extent that it is picked up by almost everyone within a short span of time! Same thing is happening during this Pandemic era…Measures are taken to maintain social distancing, wear proper facemask covering chin mouth n nose correctly when coming in contact with people in public places to defeat COVID-19. Better be SAFE than SORRY!!Have a great weak ahead…!






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