Monday Motivation….. December 18, 2023 (673)

Monday Motivation….. December 18, 2023 (673)

A blonde was driving when she got lost in a snow storm December evening. She remembered that her dad had once told her. “If you ever get stuck in a snow storm, wait for a snow plow and follow it.” Pretty soon a snow plow came by, and she started to follow it. She followed the plow for 45 minutes. Finally the driver of the truck got out and asked her what she was doing. She explained that her dad had told her if she ever got stuck in the snow, to follow plow.

The driver nodded and said, “Well, I’m done with Wal-mart; now you can follow me over to K-Mart.”


Every Problem can be solved as long as you use common sense and apply the right research, understanding and techniques. Use your mind to decode analyze when following someone’s advice!

Have a great week ahead..!






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