Monday Motivation….. January 04, 2016 (256)

Monday Motivation….. January 04, 2016 (256)
Once upon a time, a couple has been living together for 30 years. On the 30th anniversary of their marriage the wife, as usual, has baked the bun – she baked it every morning, it was a tradition. During the breakfast she cut it across, buttered both sides, and, as usual, gave the top to the husband, but her hand stopped halfway…
She thought: “On the day of our 30th anniversary I want to eat this rosy part of the bun; I was dreaming about this for 30 years. Finally, I was an exemplary wife for 30 years and I raised good sons for him. I put so much efforts and health for the well-being of our family.”
So she made a decision and gave the bottom of the bun to her husband, but her hands trembled – breaking the 30-year-old tradition! Her husband took the bun and said to her:
-What a wonderful gift you gave me today, my dear! 30 years I did not eat my favorite –bottom- part of the bun, because I thought that it rightfully belongs to you.

Communicate your expectations clearly and give assumption no room to reside… let it be in your personal or professional interactions..!
Have a great week ahead!






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