Category: Monday Motivations

  • Monday Motivation….. October 03, 2022 (609)

    Monday Motivation….. October 03, 2022 (609) Once upon a time, there was a withered tree standing in the corner of a man’s backyard. “It’s unlucky to keep a withered tree,” said his neighbor. “Cut it down before something unpleasant happens.” The man cut down the tree. His neighbor came with his two sons and asked…

  • Monday Motivation….. September 26, 2022 (608)

    Monday Motivation….. September 26, 2022 (608) The king was to pass by a beggar’s hut and the man was beside himself with excitement, not because he was about to see the king but because the king was known to part with expensive jewels and huge sums of money when moved by compassion. He saw the…

  • Monday Motivation….. September 19, 2022 (607)

    Monday Motivation….. September 19, 2022 (607) Once upon a time, a thief hired a room at an inn and stayed there at night. The next morning when he looked out of his window he saw the owner of the inn sitting in the courtyard. The man was wearing an expensive new coat which the thief…

  • Monday Motivation….. September 12, 2022 (606)

    Monday Motivation….. September 12, 2022 (606) Once upon a time, a sage presented a prince with a set of three small dolls. The prince was not amused. “Am I a girl that you give me dolls?” he asked. “This is a gift for a future king,” said the man. “If you look carefully, you’ll see…

  • Monday Motivation….. September 05, 2022 (605)

    Monday Motivation….. September 05, 2022 (605) There was a young student-archer who reached such proficiency in his art that he could shoot an arrow into a tree and then cleave that arrow into two with the next shot. He began to boast that he was a greater archer than his guru. One day his guru,…

  • Monday Motivation….. August 29, 2022 (604)

    Monday Motivation….. August 29, 2022 (604) Once upon a time there lived a Bharunda, a bird with two heads. One day it found a strange fruit on the seashore. It picked it up and started eating it. The head that was feeding, exclaimed, “Many a sweet fruit tossed by the sea have I eaten, but…

  • Monday Motivation….. August 22, 2022 (603)

    Monday Motivation….. August 22, 2022 (603) Anastasius was abbot of a monastery in Egypt. The monastery had a large collection of books, one among them being a rare volume, worth a fortune. One day a visiting monk chanced upon the book and succumbing to temptation walked away with it. The theft was discovered the same…

  • Monday Motivation….. August 15, 2022 (602)

    Monday Motivation….. August 15, 2022 (602) Once upon a time, a king who was so cruel and unjust that his subjects yearned for his death or dethronement. However, one day he surprised them all by announcing that he had decided to turn over a new leaf. “No more cruelty, no more injustice,” he promised, and…

  • Monday Motivation….. August 08, 2022 (601)

    Monday Motivation….. August 08, 2022 (601)Once upon a time, a Sage was giving a discourse on creative thinking. Afterwards his disciples approached him and asked him to set them a problem that required them to think creatively. The sage gave them a sieve and asked them to fill it with water at the sea, nearby.…

  • Monday Motivation….. August 01, 2022 (600)

    Monday Motivation….. August 01, 2022 (600)Once upon a time, there lived a tiger who feared nothing except the crowing of cocks. A chill would go down his spine whenever he heard a cock crowing.One day he confessed his fear to the elephant, who was greatly amused.“How can the crowing of a cock hurt you?” he…