Category: Monday Motivations
Monday Motivation….. June 02, 2014 (173)
Monday Motivation….. June 02, 2014 (173) One cowardly person came to a master of martial arts and asked to teach him bravery. The master looked at him and said: – I will teach you only on one condition, if for one month you will live in a big city and to every passing person on…
Monday Motivation….. May 26, 2014 (172)
Monday Motivation….. May 26, 2014 (172) Once upon a time, two grains were lying side by side on the fertile soil. The first grain said: “I want to grow up! I want to put down roots deep into the ground and sprout from the ground. I dream to blossom in delicate buds and proclaim the…
Monday Motivation….. May 19, 2014 (171)
Monday Motivation….. May 19, 2014 (171) Once upon a time, there was an unfortunate poor man. His home was also very poor – a small and empty house, where mice made their nests and spiders made their webs. People tried to avoid coming into his house – why should they stick their noses into those…
Monday Motivation….. May 12, 2014 (170)
Monday Motivation….. May 12, 2014 (170) Once upon a time there lived a great king. He ordered to build a beautiful palace which had many wonderful things in it. Among other curiosities in the palace there was a hall, where all the walls, the sealing, the door and even the floor were made of mirror.…
Monday Motivation….. May 05, 2014 (169)
Monday Motivation….. May 05, 2014 (169) Once upon a time there was a boy who was very discourteous meaning rude to his mom. He was lazy. When his mom said to clean his room he would backtalk to her and even use very bad words to her. When she got sick he wouldn’t care and…
Monday Motivation….. April 28, 2014 (168)
Monday Motivation….. April 28, 2014 (168) Once upon a time in Florida, a little boy went into a drug store, reached for a soda carton and pulled it over to the telephone. He climbed onto the carton so that he could reach the buttons on the phone and proceeded to punch in seven digits (phone…
Monday Motivation….. April 21, 2014 (167)
Monday Motivation….. April 21, 2014 (167) Once upon a time, an old man was having a stroll in the forest when he suddenly saw a little cat stuck in a hole. The poor animal was struggling to get out. So, he gave him his hand to get him out. But the cat scratched his hand…
Monday Motivation….. April 14, 2014 (166)
Monday Motivation….. April 14, 2014 (166) Once upon a time a mother and a baby camel were lying around, and suddenly the baby camel asked, “mother, may I ask you some questions? Mother said, “Sure! Why son, is there something bothering you? Baby said, “Why do camels have humps?” Mother said “Well son, we are…
Monday Motivation….. April 07, 2014 (165)
Monday Motivation….. April 07, 2014 (165) One of Mr. Ratan N Tata’s (RNT) first assignments was the stewardship of the ailing electronics company in the Tata portfolio – Nelco. A team of senior managers from Nelco was driving to Nasik along with RNT. Halfway into the journey, the car had a flat tire, and as…
Monday Motivation….. March 31, 2014 (164)
Monday Motivation….. March 31, 2014 (164) Once upon time an unemployed young graduate woke under a bridge and checked his pocket. All he had left was a few dollar bills adding up to less than ten bucks. He was frustrated as he could find no work and no one was there to help him. He…