A short motivational story to start a week!

  • Monday Motivation….. July 04, 2022 (595)

    Monday Motivation….. July 04, 2022 (595) Once upon a time, two lumberjacks of equal skill, experience, and stature work side by side, chopping down trees together every single day. However, one lumberjack works non-stop, without taking a break, whereas the other takes an hour-long lunch break every afternoon. Despite working for less time, both lumberjacks…

  • Monday Motivation….. June 27, 2022 (594)

    Monday Motivation….. June 27, 2022 (594) Once upon a time a man had four young sons. Wanting to teach them about the dangers of judging things too rapidly, he decided to send each of them on a journey, one after the other, to a distant pear tree. Each son when in a different season, the…

  • Monday Motivation….. June 20, 2022 (593)

    Monday Motivation….. June 20, 2022 (593) Once upon a time a son came to his father for an advice: – Dad, I can’t do it, – he said, – those practices only exhaust me, and the result doesn’t change. It must be not destined for me to play football and my dream will never come…

  • Monday Motivation….. June 13, 2022 (592)

    Monday Motivation….. June 13, 2022 (592) In many ancient myths and stories the hero has to go on a long and perilous journey to complete their mission. A classic example? The sleepless dragon that guards its treasure, breathing fire on anyone who so dares to steal it. To get the gold, the knight in shining…

  • Monday Motivation….. June 06, 2022 (591)

    Monday Motivation….. June 06, 2022 (591) Thousands of years ago there was a famous Chinese general with a reputation for being an astute and cunning leader. One day, at the end of a long campaign, this general decided to stop in a stronghold with a small battalion of soldiers, sending his main fighting force ahead…

  • Monday Motivation….. May 30, 2022 (590)

    Monday Motivation….. May 30, 2022 (590) Once upon a time, a hungry ass finds himself between two equally large and delicious-looking bales of hay. He looks from one to the other and back again, unsure which to choose. This goes on for a long while until, unable to make a decision, the poor old donkey…

  • Monday Motivation….. May 23, 2022 (589)

    Monday Motivation….. May 23, 2022 (589)Once upon a time, a group of 100 people was attending a seminar on personal development.In the middle of their talk, the speaker stops and decides to run an impromptu group activity. He hands out a balloon to each attendee and tells them to write their name on it.The balloons…

  • Monday Motivation….. May 16, 2022 (588)

    Monday Motivation….. May 16, 2022 (588) Once upon a time, a baker and a farmer lived in the same small English village. These two men had a friendly arrangement in place, where the farmer would sell a pound of butter to the baker each day. One morning, the baker decided to weigh the butter to…

  • Monday Motivation….. May 09, 2022 (587)

    Monday Motivation….. May 09, 2022 (587) Once upon a time there was a businessman who was sitting on the beach in a small Italian village. As he sat, taking a brief break from the stress of his daily schedule, he saw a fisherman rowing a small boat back into the harbor. In the boat were…

  • Monday Motivation….. May 02, 2022 (586)

    Monday Motivation….. May 02, 2022 (586) Once upon a time, a man walked past a camp of elephants. Looking closer, he was surprised to see that these mighty animals weren’t held in cages or kept in chains. The only thing stopping them from escaping? A thin rope tied from one of their legs to a…