A short motivational story to start a week!

  • Monday Motivation….. December 21, 2020 (515)

    Monday Motivation….. December 21, 2020 (515)Once upon a time, there lived a kind woman in a mountain. One fine morning the woman was strolling along the mountain path. On her way, she saw a shiny stone in a stream. It was a beautiful stone, so she took it with her.After a few days a traveler…

  • Monday Motivation….. December 14, 2020 (514)

    Monday Motivation….. December 14, 2020 (514) In the year 1980, Lyall Watson was the first biologist to propose the theory of “The Hundredth Monkey Effect”, in his book, ‘lifetide’. He mentioned about a phenomenon that the Japanese primatologist discovered while studying the Macaque monkey in the wild in the 1990s. The Japanese snow monkey, Macaca…

  • Monday Motivation….. December 07, 2020 (513)

    Monday Motivation….. December 07, 2020 (513)Once upon a time, a man who was the lone survivor of a terrible shipwreck was washed ashore on a tiny uninhabited island. Marooned and alone, the man cried out to God to rescue him from his terrible fate. Unfamiliar with survival tactics, the man struggled to endure.Eventually, he was…

  • Monday Motivation….. November 30, 2020 (512)

    Monday Motivation….. November 30, 2020 (512)Woodpecker have an interesting way to prepare for winter. First he finds a dead tree and starts making holes for the acorns. Each hole is made very thoughtfully, because if the hole is large, other birds can easily steal the acorn. If the hole is narrow, the nut can break…

  • Monday Motivation….. November 23, 2020 (511)

    Monday Motivation….. November 23, 2020 (511) The Law of Wasted Effort Do you know that lions only succeed in a quarter of their hunting attempts — which means they fail in 75% of their attempts and succeeds in only 25% of them. Despite this small percentage shared by most predators, they don’t despair in their…

  • Monday Motivation….. November 16, 2020 (510)

    Monday Motivation….. November 16, 2020 (510) Once upon a time, a hawk lived on the top of a hill. At the foot of the hill there was a banyan tree on which a crow used to perch everyday. The crow was very foolish. He would imitate everyone.The hawk atop the hill would fly down everyday…

  • Monday Motivation….. November 09, 2020 (509)

    Monday Motivation….. November 09, 2020 (509) Long, long ago, in a dense forest there were thousands of tall and beautiful trees. They were happy, but proud of themselves. Among them there also an ugly tree whose branches were badly twisted. Its roots had uneven curves. All the trees made fun of that ugly tree.“How are…

  • Monday Motivation….. November 02, 2020 (508)

    Monday Motivation….. November 02, 2020 (508) Once upon a time there lived a rich man named Chulong in Thailand. He was a very rich man. Yet he wanted more riches, more money.One day he was walking in his garden. He saw a strange bird in a bush. It was very small. But it had very…

  • Monday Motivation….. October 26, 2020 (507)

    Monday Motivation….. October 26, 2020 (507) Kittu Mama (Krishnamurthy Iyer) is a 65-year-old senior citizen and sells Dosai and Idli in Trichy near Theppakulam closer to Chathiram Bus Stand in India. He sets up his shop after 6 PM and sells delicious Idli, Dosai with tasty chutney at very affordable prices. He is a roadside…

  • Monday Motivation….. October 19, 2020 (506)

    Monday Motivation….. October 19, 2020 (506) Once upon a time, a chief told one of his servants to bring him the best meat from the market.The servant brought him a tongue. The next day the chief told the servant to bring him the worst meat from the market.The servant brought a tongue again. “What?” the…