A short motivational story to start a week!
Monday Motivation….. October 12, 2020 (505)
Monday Motivation….. October 12, 2020 (505)A Zen student said to his teacher, “Master, I have an ungovernable temper. Help me get rid of it.”“You have something very strange,” said the teacher.“Show it to me.”“Right now I cannot show it to you.”“Why not?”“It arises suddenly.”“Then it cannot be your own true nature,” said the teacher, “if…
Monday Motivation….. October 05, 2020 (504)
Monday Motivation….. October 05, 2020 (504)This is Jim Thorpe. Look closely at the photo, you can see that he’s wearing different socks and shoes. This wasn’t a fashion statement. It was the 1912 Olympics, and Jim, an American Indian from Oklahoma represented the U.S. in track and field. On the morning of his competitions, his…
Monday Motivation….. September 28, 2020 (503)
Monday Motivation….. September 28, 2020 (503) Ryokan, the Zen teacher, was requested by his sister-in-law to come to her house and talk to her son. “He does no work, squanders his father’s money in wild parties and is neglecting the estate,” she complained. “If he does not reform, we will be ruined.” Ryokan went to…
Monday Motivation….. September 21, 2020 (502)
Monday Motivation….. September 21, 2020 (502) Once upon a time, a brave warrior had a horse and an ox. He used the horse for travelling and the ox was used for pulling load for the warrior. War had broken. The warrior was to go to a far off place. The horse said to the ox,…
Monday Motivation….. September 14, 2020 (501)
Monday Motivation….. September 14, 2020 (501) It was a cyclonic season. There was flood everywhere. Many houses drowned in the flood. There was a copper pot and an earthen pot in a house. Both these were washed away in the flood to a river. The copper pot called the earthen pot and said, “My friend,…
Monday Motivation….. September 07, 2020 (500)
Monday Motivation….. September 07, 2020 (500) Once upon a time, a woman had a pet mongoose. It was very faithful. One day she went to the market, leaving her baby in the care of the mongoose. At that time, a big cobra entered the house. The mongoose killed it after a long and fierce fight.…
Monday Motivation….. August 31, 2020 (499)
Monday Motivation….. August 31, 2020 (499) Once upon a time, a milkman became very wealthy through dishonest means. He had to cross a river daily to reach the city where his customers lived. He mixed the water of the river generously with the milk that he sold for a good profit. One day he went…
Monday Motivation….. August 24, 2020 (498)
Monday Motivation….. August 24, 2020 (498) Once upon a time, the manager of a firm advertised for a night watchman. All the applicants were present. But the manager was not satisfied. He found something wrong with each man. There was Raju, an applicant. He was sitting in a corner waiting for his turn of interview.…
Monday Motivation….. August 17, 2020 (497)
Monday Motivation….. August 17, 2020 (497) Once upon a time there were all different varity if trees in a dense forest. There were big trees and small trees, thick trees and thin trees and tall trees and short trees. There was this one tree which was a crooked one. The trunk was bent in all…
Monday Motivation….. August 10, 2020 (496)
Monday Motivation….. August 10, 2020 (496) Once upon a time there lived a farmer. He had amassed wealth by selling the produces that he got from his farms. He distributed that wealth to all the needy people. So, the whole village revered him for his magnanimity. But he had a persistent problem in his farms.…