A short motivational story to start a week!

  • Monday Motivation….. May 25, 2020 (485)

    Monday Motivation….. May 25, 2020 (485) A man asked why an old lady was all alone on a cruise ship. He noticed that although she was alone, all the staff, ships officers, Waiters and busboys were very familiar with her. So, he asked the waiter who the lady was, expecting to be told…she owned the…

  • Monday Motivation….. May 18, 2020 (484)

    Monday Motivation….. May 18, 2020 (484) Once upon a time, a king had gone to visit neighboring kingdoms. He was gifted a pair of baby Macaw Parrots by the king of the last kingdom where he was visiting. They were the most beautiful birds he had ever seen. So, upon returning to his kingdom, he…

  • Monday Motivation….. May 11, 2020 (483)

    Monday Motivation….. May 11, 2020 (483) Once upon a time, a well-known motivational speaker gathering the entire crowd’s attention, said, “The best years of my life were spent in the arms of a woman who wasn’t my wife!” The crowd was shocked! After a pause, the speaker followed up by saying, “That woman was my…

  • Monday Motivation….. May 04, 2020 (482)

    Monday Motivation….. May 04, 2020 (482) One upon a time a young academically excellent person went to apply for a managerial position in a big company. He passed the first interview, the director did the last interview, made the last decision. The director discovered from the CV that the youth’s academic achievements were excellent all…

  • Monday Motivation….. April 27, 2020 (481)

    Monday Motivation….. April 27, 2020 (481) Once upon a time a jobless man found 100 Rs. He planned a plot and decided to have a luxurious dinner at a 5 Stars hotel. The waiter bring 2000 Rs. bill. The man denied; he has nothing to pay. The manager handed over him to the police. The…

  • Monday Motivation….. April 20, 2020 (480)

    Monday Motivation….. April 20, 2020 (480) Once upon a time, team of young budding Managers were given an assignment to measure the height of a flagpole. So the Managers discussed and put up a project plan with roles and responsibilities. The manager who was responsible for organizing the resources went out and got a ladder…

  • Monday Motivation….. April 13, 2020 (479)

    Monday Motivation….. April 13, 2020 (479) Once upon a time there lived a washerman named Dhavala. He once spotted a very beautiful lady at pond, who happened to be the daughter of another washerman. He instantly fell in love with her and pleaded with his parents to ask her parents for her hand in marriage.…

  • Monday Motivation….. April 06, 2020 (478)

    Monday Motivation….. April 06, 2020 (478) Once upon a time Nasruddin Hodja took his donkey to the market place and sold it for 30 dinars. The man who bought it immediately put it up for auction. “Look at this fine animal!” he shouted to passersby. “Have you ever seen a better specimen of a donkey?…

  • Monday Motivation….. March 30, 2020 (477)

    Monday Motivation….. March 30, 2020 (477) The ‘Fool of the Year’ contest was open to all the courtiers of king Krishnadeva Raya and all of them looked forward to the event as the winner stood to gain a handsome prize of 5000 gold coins. The trouble was, Raman always won the contest. One year the…

  • Monday Motivation….. March 23, 2020 (476)

    Monday Motivation….. March 23, 2020 (476) Once upon a time Mulla Nashruddin met an acquaintance in the street. The man looked worried and Mulla asked him what was troubling him. “I have this terrible dream,” said the man. “Every night I dream there’s a monster hiding under the bed. When I get up and look…