A short motivational story to start a week!

  • Monday Motivation….. March 16, 2020 (475)

    Monday Motivation….. March 16, 2020 (475) Once upon a time; a pandit crossing a field felt that there was something in his mouth and spat it out. It turned out to be a heron’s feather. He could not understand how it had got into his mouth and it perplexed him a great deal. When he…

  • Monday Motivation….. March 09, 2020 (474)

    Monday Motivation….. March 09, 2020 (474) Once upon a time; disciple asked his master “Where is God?”. “Everywhere, in everyone and everything,” said his Guru. Later, as the disciple was going home, he saw an elephant charging towards him. “Get out of the way, get out of the way,” shouted the elephant-driver. “He has gone…

  • Monday Motivation….. March 02, 2020 (473)

    Monday Motivation….. March 02, 2020 (473) Once upon a time, a man went to a psychiatrist with a problem: he was very annoyed with his boss. If his boss said anything to him, he immediately became angry and felt like taking off his shoe and hitting his boss with it. But, how can you hit…

  • Monday Motivation….. February 24, 2020 (472)

    Monday Motivation….. February 24, 2020 (472) Abraham was a poor tailor whose shop was next door to a very upscale restaurant. Every day at lunchtime, Abraham would go out the back of his shop and eat his black bread and herring while smelling the wonderful aroma coming from the restaurant’s kitchen. One day, Abraham was…

  • Monday Motivation….. February 17, 2020 (471)

    Monday Motivation….. February 17, 2020 (471) Once there lived an honest and hardworking farmer. He worked hard in his fields. His cattle were healthy and his tools were sharp. As a result, fields were well ploughed and they produced plentiful crops every year. His neighbors were not hard working like him. Their cattle were not…

  • Monday Motivation….. February 10, 2020 (470)

    Monday Motivation….. February 10, 2020 (470) Once upon a time, a man owned an orchard. There were many apple trees in it. Ripe apples were hanging from the trees. A naughty boy lived nearby. He knew the owner of the orchard. The man would not give a single apple if he asked for it. So…

  • Monday Motivation….. February 03, 2020 (469)

    Monday Motivation….. February 03, 2020 (469) Once upon a time, there were these 4 guys, a Russian, a German, an American and a French, who found a small genie bottle. When they rubbed the bottle, a genie appears. Thankful that the 4 guys had released him out of the bottle, he said, “Next to you…

  • Monday Motivation….. January 27, 2020 (468)

    Monday Motivation….. January 27, 2020 (468) Once upon a time, there lived two brothers with his father who started a poultry farm. Some years after they started working with their father the older son noticed that father would give more responsibility and reward to his younger brother. Older son felt it unfair as both worked…

  • Monday Motivation….. January 20, 2020 (467)

    Monday Motivation….. January 20, 2020 (467) Once upon a time, a junior manager, a senior manager and their boss are on their way to a meeting. On their way through a park, they come across a wonder lamp. They rub the lamp and a ghost appears. The ghost says, “Normally, one is granted three wishes…

  • Monday Motivation….. January 13, 2020 (466)

    Monday Motivation….. January 13, 2020 (466) King Akbar was very fond of Birbal. This made a certain courtier very jealous. Now this courtier always wanted to be chief minister, but this was not possible as Birbal filled that position. One day Akbar praised Birbal in front of the courtier. This made the courtier very angry…