A short motivational story to start a week!

  • Monday Motivation….. April 23, 2018 (376)

    Monday Motivation….. April 23, 2018 (376) About 200 years ago a rider passes a group of exhausted soldiers who were digging themselves into an important defensive position close to the battlefield. Noticing their section leader was mounted as well, and shouting orders at the men to work faster, dig deeper and threatening to whip anyone…

  • Monday Motivation….. April 16, 2018 (375)

    Monday Motivation….. April 16, 2018 (375) Once upon a time two Lions with inflated EGO, reached the pool at the same time to drink water. Both of them wanted to have water first. A ferocious fight to the finish as to who will drink water first, broke out. Soon they were bloodied all over. It…

  • Monday Motivation….. April 09, 2018 (374)

    Monday Motivation….. April 09, 2018 (374) Once upon a time a renowned Tennis Player, was stricken by HIV from a contaminated blood transfusion which he received during his heart bypass surgery. He was a legendary player. People from all over the world were very sad to hear the news. He received millions of get well…

  • Monday Motivation….. April 02, 2018 (373)

    Monday Motivation….. April 02, 2018 (373) Once upon a time in one house a cat was killing so many mice that finally they came together and asked the wise old ones, “What should be done?” One wise old mouse said, “There is a simple method: just hang a bell around the neck of the cat…

  • Monday Motivation….. March 26, 2018 (372)

    Monday Motivation….. March 26, 2018 (372) Once upon a time, a disciple asked a very learned Guru; “Guru Maharaja, how can we know what pleases Krishna the most?” The spiritual master answered, “Go to the burning ghat and offend the dead.” At this, the disciple went to the burning ghat and looked for some corpses that…

  • Monday Motivation….. March 19, 2018 (371)

    Monday Motivation….. March 19, 2018 (371) Once upon a time a young man had lost his job and didn’t know which way to turn. So he went to see the old preacher at the nearby church. Pacing about the preacher’s study, the young man ranted about his problem. Finally, he clenched his fist and shouted,…

  • Monday Motivation….. March 12, 2018 (370)

    Monday Motivation….. March 12, 2018 (370) Once upon a time a farmer owned land along the Atlantic seacoast.  He constantly advertised for hired hands. Most people were reluctant to work on farms along the Atlantic. They dreaded the awful storms that raged across the Atlantic, wreaking havoc on the buildings and crops. As the farmer…

  • Monday Motivation….. March 05, 2018 (369)

    Monday Motivation….. March 05, 2018 (369) Once upon a time lived a Vanika (merchant) in the capital city of a small kingdom in ancient India, who was a very close friend of the King. On one occasion, the King rode in his chariot followed by his royal entourage, and the regal ensemble headed for the…

  • Monday Motivation….. February 26, 2018 (368)

    Monday Motivation….. February 26, 2018 (368) Once upon a time, there lived a pair of acrobats. The teacher was a poor widower and the student was a young girl by the name of Meda. These acrobats performed each day on the streets in order to earn enough to eat. Their act consisted of the teacher…

  • Monday Motivation….. February 19, 2018 (367)

    Monday Motivation….. February 19, 2018 (367) Once upon a time, there lived a man who had nothing for his family to eat. He had an old shotgun and three shells. Therefore, he decided that he would go out and kill something for dinner. As he went down the road, he saw a rabbit and he…